Let's dance, boys!!
So I'll fully admit I have not played the first Bayonetta game (yet). But... Mommy, I love her! UwU
BUT, I have played Bayonetta 2, and this is where my deep love for her began!
Something was just so fun about getting launched eyes first into that 2nd game. It was just so sudden nd threw me for a loop. I fell in love with Bayonetta, from her cheeky over-the-top-ness to her rapid-fire moves.
I have seen some debates about whether or not the game is made to satisfy a "male fantasy" or if Bayonetta is actually feminist. My opinion is that, yes, chances are she originally was a fantasy of her creators. She fits beautifully into both the "megane" and dominatrix categories. But as a character and creation independent of the artists' original intentions, I am on the fence! I think she is not just a "male fantasy" but rather an "everyone" fantasy. For me, Bayonetta is the strong and totally independent and sexually confident woman. And her behavior shows she KNOWS and is PURPOSEFULLY being over the top. She has this unbridled power and independence that is unaffected by her gender, nor is it commented on openly. It's just not the focus. But at the same time, she IS a woman and scenes in the game show her as she is. She enjoys the full breadth of life, from shopping with her bestie, to touring around, to teasing people, and finally to throwing hands (and spells). Her being powerful and independent does not make her any less "womanly", and she is powerful as a woman who embraces being a woman. Both men and women desire her, and her charcter is fully aware of this. As a woman, it makes me happy to see another woman reveling in sexuality and sensuality along with power since the pleasure to do so at will is often denied to women, or only permitted to those who service men's fantasies. And yes, despite Bayonetta being created by Hideki Kamiya, a man, the game and character are able to be enjoyed by all with individuals getting vastly different experiences from gameplay.
Another aspect I enjoy about this game is Bayonetta and Jeanne's relationship. Bayonetta literally goes to hell to save Jeanne, her best friend. Although, I do have my suspicions that their relationship is actually an "and they were roommates!" situation where the creators could not make them more than just "best friends" or wouldn't openly declare it due to it possibly affecting sales. But what we do get to see is how much Bayonetta-no, Cereza-really loves and cares for Jeanne. And again, what I'd give to be a fly on the wall during their shopping dates!
Jeanne is fabulous in her own right, and she gives off some major Kill Bill vibes. She and Bayonetta are on that same wavelength, but Jeanne as a full-blooded Umbra Witch and cut-throat is fit to lead the Umbra Witches. I think Bayonetta is better off not leading the Umbra Witches since she is more of a free spirit and solitary witch, but instead she is better remaining as an ally and friend to Jeanne. She can step up when needed, but she does not bear the stress of the day-to-day leadership of people who would rathered she not been born.